Tuesday, March 31, 2009

what now slam sophie

On Wednesday the 25th of march the shooting stars team went to watch the What Now show called Slam.When we got off the bus we had to wait round for about 20 mins before we could walk up a big hill to see the teams doing the courses.The teams were about 10 or 9 or even 11 years old.We were all excited when we were on the bus.We were all screaming and shouting because we were nearly at the What Now Slam. The What Now Slam thing was at the Quarry in Halswell.
When we were aloud to go up the hill we were all running with our class but I was not running up the hill because it was to sep to go up.Finally we were there seeing the teams doing the coures and getting all dirty.We were going to get foamed but we hadto come back to school because it was 3 o'clock but it was 3 fifteen when we got back to school.
By sophie

What now

We are going to tell you about our trip to the Halswell Quarry
Well at the Halswell Quarry we saw WHAT NOW we saw nearly everyone on the What now show and the thing that wasn't any good was it was very very hot.There was a huge obstacle course and it had a very steep hill were they got sprayed with water. Another bad thing was all we did was stand up cheer sit down stand up cheer sit down over and over again. At the end we got to see Tu Mehe off what now and he was just congratulating everyone who competed. Alot of the time we were just walking up and down the hill because the people at what now had to have a break or they had to have their lunch and it was very tiring walking up the hill but it wasn't very tiring walking down the hill but it got boring. The End

Kia Kaha

This term for our topic we have been working on Kia Kaha which means to stand strong. A police education officer came in and read us a story about bullying then we had to draw a picture about one of the scenes in the story with a group of four people. We learnt that bullying is not ok and it's good to stick up for others and be strong. We have also created shields and talked about why we are unique and why our class is special kia kaha is really fun and we work on it everyday. We made confident kid pictures and wrote times when we are confident on it the whole class did one and they turned out really well.we have a kia kaha box and we write things about how were feeling on it.


This week we have been learning about Geometry in maths it was so much fun we had to make shapes out of string with our talking partners and my partner was Ashleigh and we had to go with another set of talking partners and Mrs Pattern put us with Scott and Zenith we learnt how to measure our shapes so they were equal sided and if they wern't we had to make them equal sided the last shape we had to make out of string was a cube which was really hard and my group did not make our cube because we did not know how too but another group did so Mrs Pattern told us to come over and have a look so we did and their cube was awesome.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Explore Parliament is a site we have been going on in ICT .
We played some wicked games and made up laws that we thought were good and that our country should have. In the Ultimate Fizilbee we learnt about how an election worked. We learnt to vote for the person who we thought would do the best for the people.
We also made a bill and we had to go through all of the steps to make it a law. Some of our class created a bill to stop animal testing, which we think is a great idea.
We had great fun learning about making rules and laws!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

World Maths Day 09!!!!!!

Our teacher signed our class up with a world maths day account. Everyone in our class enjoyed competing on world maths day. World maths day has been a fun site and also with funny avatars that you can make. I think that world maths is really good for learning times, addition and subtraction. World maths day has been a fun experience for kids all over the world and our class has really enjoyed it.


Today in Maths we learnt how to use number lines for Subtraction

Birds of a feather

First we had to do a title page saying birds of a feather flock together and a background with your habitat on it.Then we had to do a whole lot of quizzes and fill them in and then go up to the teacher and show them to her and get them ticked off.

maths day

We went on the World Maths Day Site.It was so fun because we played other people around the world like China . You also have to answer maths questions.It was cool.

Birds Of A Feather Flock Together.

We learnt about different birds and different habitats.

We were learning this information on
Birds Of a Feather Flock Together.

Different birds have different feet and
different beaks.

Some birds can fly some cant.
Did you know in 1932 a sea eagle picked up a 4 year old girl and droped her on a ledge beneath its nest. She was rescued by her parents practically unharmed.
Did you know there are 17 kinds of penguins. 4 kinds live only in Antarctica.

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

We have been working on this with one of our reliever's once a week. We have enjoyed doing this with her. We have had around 8 work sheets to work on. Once we had finished everything she stapled all the sheets plus our title page together. Myself and Raechel have finished these work sheets and have been stapled together into a booklet. We learnt that the biggest bird alive is an ostrich

This is a photo of Demi's title page.

Birds of a feather flock together

This year we have been learning about birds of a feather.It is a topic about birds.First we had to start on our title pages.We had to have birds in their natural habitats.Next we had to choose an activity about birds.We had some bird quizes , crosswords and wordsearches. When we finished we had to staple them altogether so it made a booklet.

World Maths Day

Our teacher signed our class up with a world maths day account.Everyone in our class enjoyed competing on world maths day .World maths day has been a fun site and also with funny avatars that you can make.I think that world maths is really good for learning times,addition and subtraction.World maths day has been a fun experience for kids all over the world and our class has really enjoyed it.

Mufti Day

On Wednesday 11 March we are having a mufti day to support Chomondley Childrens' Home. Students are asked to bring along a used pair of shoes, in good condition, as a donation. Look out for photos soon.