Thursday, April 14, 2011


We have been learning and practising new painting skills in our recent Art Attack.
The theme was Kiwiana - Uniquely Kiwi.
Our learning intentions were:
• WALT use paint to create an art piece that represents and reflects New Zealand
• WALT apply and use at least two elements of colour, tone or pattern
• WALT to mix colours using the primary colours and white
• WALT to use brushes in different ways to create different textures.

We practised mixing colours using the primary colours and then using opposite colours on the colour wheel.
We also practised different brush techniques using the brush (both ends) in different ways.
Check out our results in the following photo show.
Kiwiana Art on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Run, Bike Run Update

It is sad to hear that the Oaklands School Run, Bike Run has been cancelled due to wet grounds. It is also supposed to be raining tomorrow.
With the event being cancelled that means that it will not be held again this year.
We are all disappointed that it has been cancelled. Some of us are even devastated because it has been cancelled.
We have all been training hard for it but that training wont go to waste because we have our School Cross Country in May.

Reporters: Room 4 students

Monday, April 4, 2011

Run, Bike, Run

We are hoping to hold the Run, Bike, Run competition for Yr 5-8 studnets on Thursday 7 April at Halswell Domain. We have been training hard by running several laps of our school field each day.
Some of us are racing as individuals, there is one 2 man team and the rest of us are running in teams of three.
We just hope the weather will be on our side as we don't want to miss out on this event.
Keep watching for updates and results.