Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bronze Awards

Hi all

In Room 4 we have been trying really hard to get our C.A.R.E awards.

A small number have already been given their Bronze award !!! These are people such as Matthew Tippet.

Lots of us will shortly be given our bronze.

Thank-you for reading
Post submitted by Samuel Burt

Cross Country poem


In Room 4 we have been writing poems about the cross country.
So far 15% of our class have finished.

The people that have finished have done some really stunning work !!!
For example people like Ben Crowley and Matthew Tippet have been trying really hard and have excellent marks !!!

Submitted by Samuel Burt

Winter sport

Well done to all the students that got into winter sport teams games will be on fridays. other students that dident make teams will go to the Domain our halswell school or our school and will play some sport.

Cross country

The years 5-8 students had their cross coutry on thursday 19 of may 2011 it was
a perfect day for a cross country first we walked through the course then the races
started to begin the students went nuts cheering for their house colours.well done
to all the students how particpated and well done to the people who came 1 2 or 3
in their race.

By Ben and Matt.