Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kaley's Keychain goals.

Reading: By the end of the year I will finish the book inkheart.
To achieve it I will read as much as I can in a day and take inkheart home to read.

Writing: By the end of the year I will have better puncuation in all of my writing.
To achieve it I will read my writing out loud to myself and check every single word and make sure all me writing looks right. (Eg: Dont, Don't)

Maths: By the end of this year I will learn my divided by's.
To achieve this I will go on tutpup twice every three days.


Kaley's Learning in Term 4.

This term we have been learning about wearable arts. The type of wearable arts we have been learning is making a costume from trash. We have learnt about, wires, stiching, making patterns and different ways of using paper to make a peise of pattern. We also had to chose a theme. Now we are nearly finished our costume making. Our groups them was the ocean. We have blue fabric on the front, also some blue ribbon. On the scirt we have blue ribbon, seaweed, fabric fishes and a fishing hook. In reading, we have been reading in a litrace circle. This means we chose a part of the book (Eg: Chapter 1 to 10.) And everyone reads that peice of text. After everyone has finished, we reflect on the story of the part we read. We all have special thing to reflect on (Eg: Passage picker) After we are done reflecting, We chose another bit of the story to read. (Eg: 11 to 18.)

They have been what we have been learning. They are also my highlights.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Zone Athiletics

Hi on Thursday 3 November we had Zone Athiletics it was a awesome event lots of fun to be had.

Friday, September 16, 2011

What we have been up to


We have been doing a lot of work this term, including a couple of trips, on Wednesday last month the year 5/6 went ice skating. It was a bit of a challenge at the start for some people but they got used to it.

2 weeks ago we started swimming lessons, we have just finished today. There were 3 groups at STARFISH, grp 1,2 and 3.
The first group did their lengths to half way and the other two groups went all the way

Ice skating

This term our team went ice skating at alpine was challenging for the first hour and then it got really easy.We were there for 4 and a half hours it was so fun cant wait to go back.

By Matt


Hi this term we went swimming for 2 weeks!!!It was awesome we swam 200 meters freestyle and backstroke!! Posted by Ben Crowley!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Term 3

Hi and welcome to term 3 this term we will have lots in store for term 3
like AVAILLL, ice-skating, swimming, sexuality road plus heaps more!!!!!

Posted by Ben

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Reuben's 25 Word Challenge For Heating

Make sure your insulation sits above your joist,open doors regulary,put draft stoppers by doors.

by Reuben

Cameron G's 25 Word Challenge

Use energy efficient heating options for heating your home like a wood pellet fire. By using more efficient heating we can all save money and energy.

Cameron G



Not long ago we got a new student in our class.
His name is Jaden. He is 10 years old.
He has already made lots of new friends

We are all happy to have a new student in our class.


Posted by
Samuel (RM4)

Ashley's 25 Word heating challenge!!!

The three key ingredients to keeping your home warm are:
  • insulation
  • ventilation
  • heat.
Always use a four star energy rating heatpump to heat efficiently.


Chloe's 25 Word Heating Challenge

The three ingredients for a warm comfortable home are:
  • insulation
  • ventilation
  • heat.
Never put any insulation over top of down-lights as they get very hot.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Deadly Quakes


Today we encountered some more deadly aftershocks, a 5.5 magnitude and a 6.0 magnitude. The first one was about 10 minutes into the lunch break. The second on was at 2.15pm. We all went out to the school field, did the roll calls, parents came to get their children. About 35 minutes later (2.50pm) the remaining students went into the school hall. At about 3.10pm the students who hadn't gone home went to the office while Kathy Harris (office lady) and Mrs Trotter (principal) made phone calls. My mother was stuck in traffic so I had to wait. My mother got to the school office at 3.35pm. After that I arrived home and did some jobs.

Thanks for reading.
Samuel Burt (Rm4)

My Cross Country Poem


Keeping Your House Warm.Kaley

Here are the three key ingredients for keeping your home warm. One: Insulation Two: Ventilation Three: Heating. Put insulation in your walls and ceiling.

Nikita's 25 Word Message For Heating Your home

  1. Trap heat to keep your home warm.
  2. Always set a timer on your electric heater so you save money.
  3. Heat pumps are much more efficient.

Keeping Your House Warm

Insulation is important for keeping your house warm and cosy. If your insulation has moved put it back in place. Use wood pellet fires and gas heaters preferably.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Heating Your Home - Cheyenne

Here are 3 key ingredients for heating your home:
  1. Insulation
  2. Heating
  3. Ventilation
One tip for insulating houses is never to put insulation over down lights.

Heat sneaks out of cracks from the house. You will need thick insulation, like pink batts to keep heat in.


Heating Your Home In 25 Words

Keep heat inside to make your home nice and warm.
Close doors and windows and put your mats on the ground in front of the door to stop draughts.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Heating Your Home Kim

Here are the three key ingredients for heating your home:
  • insulation
  • ventilation
  • heating
    Here's a tip, never put insulation over down lights eg. pink batts.

Cameron F's Heating Your Home

Keep your heat inside by closing the door shutting curtains and blocking the bottom of the door other wise you will freeze this winter. Insulate,ventilate and heat your home

Cameron F

ETHAN EECA Challenge

Heating is the best way for keeping warm this winter and to avoid having a damp, freezing
home use insulation e.g. pink batts and floor insulation.



To save energy use:
  • Use efficient features such as four star heat pumps.
  • You can Save energy by drying clothes outside when It is a sunny day.

Thanks for reading.
Samuel (Rm4)

Callum's EECA Energy Message.

Heating your home is important because if you don't you will get sick. Check your insulation regularly and maybe get more if it's to thin.

Angus EECA Challenge

Heating your home can difficult but if you put in the right insulation it will keep the heat in and that can be better for the all of us.


Heating Your Home

Heat your home with fires and heat pumps that have 4 or more energy efficiency
stars.These also save you energy costs.

Michael's Advice To Heating Your Home

  • Use energy efficient items e.g Wood pellet fires.

  • Use items with a four or more energy star rating.

  • Good home insulation will save you money.

By Michael

Matt's 25 Word Challenge

A good way to heat your home is to buy fires and heat pumps that have 4+ energy rating to save more energy.

By Matt.

Heating Your Home

Having efficent heaters, modern wood burners and wood pellet fires are good ways to save money and keep warm. Insulation ,ventalation and heating are key.Ihaia

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bronze Awards

Hi all

In Room 4 we have been trying really hard to get our C.A.R.E awards.

A small number have already been given their Bronze award !!! These are people such as Matthew Tippet.

Lots of us will shortly be given our bronze.

Thank-you for reading
Post submitted by Samuel Burt

Cross Country poem


In Room 4 we have been writing poems about the cross country.
So far 15% of our class have finished.

The people that have finished have done some really stunning work !!!
For example people like Ben Crowley and Matthew Tippet have been trying really hard and have excellent marks !!!

Submitted by Samuel Burt

Winter sport

Well done to all the students that got into winter sport teams games will be on fridays. other students that dident make teams will go to the Domain our halswell school or our school and will play some sport.

Cross country

The years 5-8 students had their cross coutry on thursday 19 of may 2011 it was
a perfect day for a cross country first we walked through the course then the races
started to begin the students went nuts cheering for their house colours.well done
to all the students how particpated and well done to the people who came 1 2 or 3
in their race.

By Ben and Matt.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


We have been learning and practising new painting skills in our recent Art Attack.
The theme was Kiwiana - Uniquely Kiwi.
Our learning intentions were:
• WALT use paint to create an art piece that represents and reflects New Zealand
• WALT apply and use at least two elements of colour, tone or pattern
• WALT to mix colours using the primary colours and white
• WALT to use brushes in different ways to create different textures.

We practised mixing colours using the primary colours and then using opposite colours on the colour wheel.
We also practised different brush techniques using the brush (both ends) in different ways.
Check out our results in the following photo show.
Kiwiana Art on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Run, Bike Run Update

It is sad to hear that the Oaklands School Run, Bike Run has been cancelled due to wet grounds. It is also supposed to be raining tomorrow.
With the event being cancelled that means that it will not be held again this year.
We are all disappointed that it has been cancelled. Some of us are even devastated because it has been cancelled.
We have all been training hard for it but that training wont go to waste because we have our School Cross Country in May.

Reporters: Room 4 students

Monday, April 4, 2011

Run, Bike, Run

We are hoping to hold the Run, Bike, Run competition for Yr 5-8 studnets on Thursday 7 April at Halswell Domain. We have been training hard by running several laps of our school field each day.
Some of us are racing as individuals, there is one 2 man team and the rest of us are running in teams of three.
We just hope the weather will be on our side as we don't want to miss out on this event.
Keep watching for updates and results.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ipod touches

This year the Supernovas(yr7/8) get to use ipod touches in their learning! Each of the three classes gets 3 ipod touches each. This year we will not have "normal" book porfolios, but we will have e-porfolios! We will each have a blog which we can upload photos to. We can take photos with the ipod touches and within ten seconds upload it to our blog! We have this resource to show our learning! Paris from rm 3 has been using them to learn her times tables! We may even be able to use them for games as a reward!